The main directions of the scientific research activities of the Department are based on the scientific interests of the members of the Department. These are mainly selected problems in the history of the 19th century (history of nationalism, history of migration, history of the Habsburg monarchy), the relations of selected European states to Japan and China in the 19th and 20th centuries, the history of Czechoslovakia with an emphasis on the first Czechoslovak Republic and in some aspects on comparison with the states of Central Europe, the history of the British Empire or the history of the West Bohemian region.
International Cooperation
The Department of Historical Sciences is firmly anchored in the international environment through its research activities. It cultivates close contacts with universities both from neighbouring countries (Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Germany) and from distant regions (cooperation and exchange agreement with Doshisha University, Kyoto; all within the framework of the activities of the Centre for Japanese Studies). There are rich contacts with these institutions, which can be evidenced both by requests for joint projects (Prof. Jeziorny, University of Lodz) and by co-organization of international conferences (Assoc. Bene, Assoc. Dömök, University of Pécs).